10th - 15th century: Towns

During the Middle Ages, between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries, the 25 towns of Gipuzkoa were founded one after the other in an unstoppable process, and their jurisdiction was extended to cover practically the entire territory, often in conflict with the Landowners. The towns were usually located on the floors of river valleys and were walled to protect their inhabitants as well as to show their strength and organisational capacity.

Although subsistence farming (grain, vines, etc,) continued to be practised, the main economic activity was crafts and trade and, in coastal towns, fishing, whale-hunting and shipbuilding.

The alliance of the Gipuzkoan towns among themselves and with the monarchy set the foundations for the present Juntas Generales of Gipuzkoa.

2011 Department of Culture and Euskera - Deputation Foral of Gipuzkoa
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